During the last years, railway travel has experienced a formidable evolution worldwide. Railway tracks reach almost everywhere in the world and constant efforts are put in designing faster and more efficient vehicles.
Testing of railway stock plays a key role for manufacturers to keep up the pace to meet these targets.
Total inno cooperates with key companies and research and homologation centers in this sector by supplying, state of the art, engineered solutions able to meet the most exigent testing requirements.
Among the products offered by Total inno within this sector, it is worth mentioning the following.
Bogies Testing portal frame for complete bogies and suspension systems
Train cars crushing system
Railway infrastructure accelerated life simulation
Wheel loading and compliance
Turn/tilt platform
Catenary test bench
Sleepers test bench
Fasteners test bench
Ballast and sub-ballast testing system.
Railway test stand for brake shoes, pads, disks, calipers, wheels and bearings
Specific test rigs for fatigue and durability components such as bolsters, primary and secondary suspensions, etc.